Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Creating roles inside Carbon for External LDAP Users

Step 1 : Configure the External LDAP

Step 2 : Click on "Test Connection" on the main User Management page. If connecting is not successful please reconfigure until successful connection is made.

Step 3 : Click on external roles. You will see "everyone" role. If you want to manage all users (external/internal), then everyone role contains all the users and their permissions. If you want to manage subset of users from the LDAP then go to next step to add a new external role.

Step 4 : Click on "Add New Internal Roles". Now we are going to create a new role in Carbon for external users. Give the new role a name, click next and select permissions. Finally search users from the external user store and add them to the role and click finish.

Now we are done! We have created role inside Carbon to manage users from external LDAP.

WSO2 Cloud Identity

WSO2 launched http://identity.cloud.wso2.com/

Here is my article on user management in the cloud

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Enabling LDAP users to login to WSO2 Carbon

Applies to Products : WSAS, ESB, Identity Server, Greg, and other Carbon based products

Step 1 : Configure the external LDAP Server.

Step 2 : Click on "Test Connection" on the main User Management page. If connecting is not successful please reconfigure until successful connection is made.

Step 3 : If you want to authorize everyone in the LDAP to login click on "Edit Permissions" in the everyone role and assign desired permissions. Otherwise go to step 4.

Step 4 : You can manage authorization for a selected set of LDAP users by defining your own roles. Go to "External Roles">"Add new Internal Role" and add a new role as follows. Give "Login" permissions and other relevant permissions as follows.